Registered user since Tue 5 Sep 2017
Name:Christoph Treude
Christoph Treude is an ARC DECRA Fellow and a Senior Lecturer in the School of Computer Science at the University of Adelaide, Australia. He completed his PhD in Computer Science at the University of Victoria, Canada, in 2012 and received his Diplom degree in Computer Science / Management Information Systems from the University of Siegen, Germany, in 2007. The goal of his research is to advance collaborative software engineering through empirical studies and the innovation of processes and tools that explicitly take the wide variety of artifacts available in a software repository into account.
Affiliation:The University of Adelaide
Personal website: http://ctreude.ca
Research interests:Software Engineering
- Automatically Categorizing Software Technologies
- Witt: Querying Technology Terms based on Automated Classification
- 9.6 Million Links in Source Code Comments: Purpose, Evolution, and Decay
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the Technical Track-track
- Categorizing the Content of GitHub README Files
- Session Chair of Human Factors (part of Papers)
Mining Software Repositories
- Committee Member in Program Committee within the MSR 2019 Technical Papers-track
- Mining Challenge Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
- Automatically Generating Documentation for Lambda Expressions in Java
- Qualitative Data Analysis in Software Engineering: A Hands-on Tutorial
- Predicting Good Configurations for GitHub and Stack Overflow Topic Models
- Mining Challenge Co-Chair in Mining Challenge Committee within the MSR 2019 Mining Challenge-track
- SOTorrent: Studying the Origin, Evolution, and Usage of Stack Overflow Code Snippets
International Conference on Global Software Engineering
ICSE 2019-profile
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