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MSR 2019
Sun 26 - Mon 27 May 2019 Montreal, QC, Canada
co-located with ICSE 2019
Armstrong Tita Foundjem

Registered user since Sat 16 Feb 2019

Name:Armstrong Tita Foundjem

Ph.D. Cand., Software Engineering, MCIS – Laboratory, École Polytechnique de Montréal

OpenStack Member Level: Foundation Member

  • I am focused on empirical research on ecosystems software releases. I apply mixed method research as a means to answer both the how and why in my findings, which is beneficiary to both the academic and industrial communities. I am Using a DevOps approach with machine learning to make pivotal decisions. Currently, I am involved with the release team of OpenStack and serving as the PC chair of AI and HPC track, for the upcoming submit at Denver 2019. Additionally, I am a Big Data analytics guy.

  • Before my current experience, I had Worked on interesting software engineering topics for swarms of robots. Moreover, my expertise in cloud computing is an asset, which I bring along. In my thesis, I investigated the phenomena of live migrations and how we can apply both the supervised and reinforced learning technique (Machine learning algorithms) on live migration in the cloud.

  • I was part of the team; team lead on an intriguing project at LASSENA Laboratory Montreal, Canada. My main task includes building test bench simulator for micro iBB black boxes for cars in other to reconstruct accident scenario to understand driver’s behavior.

  • Currently, I am serving as a Science Judge for Quebec and Canada (Canada-Wide-Science)

  • Research Associate at MCIS Laboratory École Polytechnique de Montréal,

Member: - ACM - IEEE.

Affiliation:Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
Research interests:ecosystem software releases, AI and Machine learning, IoT, BigData Analytics.


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