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MSR 2019
Sun 26 - Mon 27 May 2019 Montreal, QC, Canada
co-located with ICSE 2019
Sun 26 May 2019 09:05 - 09:50 at Place du Canada - Keynote + Q&A + Discussion

To quote our research community’s succinct mission statement: “The Mining Software Repositories (MSR) field analyzes the rich data available in software repositories to uncover interesting and actionable information about software systems and projects.” In the earliest days of this conference, this mission was a novel possibility that the flourishing Open Source movement created. These days, however, the practice of turning repository data into actionable insights and deployed models has become bog standard. So, congratulations to the MSR community for leading the way! But now what? MSR finds itself caught in a heated competition among industry researchers and data scientists to find novel ways to exploit data and apply models. Given the resources and energy that industry now invests in data science and machine learning, MSR cannot hope to succeed by working on the same types of problems, using the same techniques. It’s time to pivot. Luckily there are hard open problems for which industry is hungry for results: How can we continue to get insights and build models while upholding privacy laws (GDPR) and user privacy preferences? How can we make trained models understandable to all relevant stakeholders? How can we ensure that our insights and models are not harmed by human biases like sexism, racism, political manipulation, etc.? The first half of this talk will describe current industry practice in data science and machine learning, based on recent studies. In the second half, I’ll describe some difficult new problems, to prod energetic discussion about the future direction of MSR.

Sun 26 May

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

09:05 - 10:30
Keynote + Q&A + DiscussionMSR 2019 Keynote at Place du Canada
Keynote: We Won! Now What?
MSR 2019 Keynote
A: Robert DeLine Microsoft Research
Q&A for Keynote
MSR 2019 Keynote

Discussion: Ethical MSR
MSR 2019 Keynote
Thomas Zimmermann Microsoft Research, Alexander Serebrenik Eindhoven University of Technology